We’re very strict on accuracy and quality of shipping ordered products, but occasionally something might slip through the cracks. If your product has a manufacturing problem, or we sent you an incorrect order by mistake, send it back to us within 7 days after delivery for an exchange or refund.

If you are eligible, we’ll email a confirmation to you. Once your package reaches the warehouse, please allow 4 to 7 working days (depending on peak times and availability of exchange or process of refund) for your return to be processed. If your return does not meet the conditions listed, the package will be sent back to you. When your return has been accepted, you will receive a confirmation email.

Please contact as we would love to help you exchange or refund your purchase if returned within 7 days of delivery. Make sure the product you return is in its original condition, tags and packaging included, otherwise we will be unable to accept your return and issue an exchange or refund.

If any product is covered by a warranty by the manufacturing company from the day that was bought, in order to make a warranty claim, you must provide proof of purchase (for example, an invoice copy) from our website and we always try to help you but not ensued service if the manufacturing company ignores to take responsibility due to condition applied or you may contact them directly with valid evidence.

Requirements for claiming exchange or refund, we must need the documents given below as evidence;

  1. Must have the unboxing video of the claiming product
  2. Original condition, tags, and packaging included
  3. Official documents (for example, an invoice copy)  

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